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A New Hope

This past year has been one of tremendous change and growth, both for myself and the world. In this first post, I’d like to take the opportunity to share some of the things I’ve learned, worked on (successes and failures), and am looking forward to accomplishing in the coming year.

  • August 12, 2015
    Decided to embrace a vegan lifestyle.
  • December 1, 2015
    Established a regular exercise routine.

This year, I would like to broaden my horizons in a few areas that have always been of interest to me, but never pursued in any routine fashion:

  • Art
    I am challenging myself to consistently draw this year, and maybe learn a new style or two. As always, take more pictures in more places.
  • Read
    When I was younger, I always had my nose in a book. Now, most of the material I consume is shorter form: news, blog or online publication content, etc. I recently subscribed to Audible and have been averaging 1 book a month so far, which I’m pretty happy about. (Please, send your recommendations!)
  • Write
    I am going to write more, a lot more. I registered The Advocateur and The Collecteur and plan to publish content in a consistent manner.
  • Yoga
    I want to establish a practice of yoga for myself. It’s something that I’ve done here and there in the past, but never regularly. I know how hugely valuable it could be to me and the time is now to tap into that.
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